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Loss Of Lvls


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Jeg kjøpte allot av exp for forskjellige klasser i juni i år. men da jeg sluttet å spille for noen måneder før nå, men noen av exp er borte.

De siste purshades jeg gjorde i alle borte, etter det jeg husker jeg mistet lvls i commando og snikskytter, men jeg migth ha vært mer. Jeg kjøpte den fra bunnen ROBOKASSA zobiemania Page  http://maps4games.ru/shop/index.php/magazins/category/zombiemaniya.html .

Er det noen måte å få dem tilbake, jeg har fremdeles e-poster som bekrefter purshades

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I bought allot of perks for various classes in June this year. but then I stopped playing for a few months up untill now, but some of the perks are gone.

The last purshades I did all gone, after that I remember I lost lvls in commando and sniper, but I migth have been more. I bought it with ROBOKASSA from zobiemania Page http: //maps4games.ru...mbiemaniya.html.

Is there any way to get them back, I still have emails confirming purshades, 

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Переведу вкратце: Он говорит что покупал какое-то кол-во перков в июне этого года, но несколько месяцев не играл, а зайдя сейчас обнаружил что его перки слетели. Говорит, помнит что покупал точно снайпера и коммандо, но также что перков было несколько больше.

Спрашивает, есть ли какая-либо возможность вернуть перки, в качестве доказательств может предъявить email'ы от робокассы с подтверждением оплаты.


I bought allot of perks for various classes in June this year. but then I stopped playing for a few months up untill now, but some of the perks are gone.
The last purshades I did all gone, after that I remember I lost lvls in commando and sniper, but I migth have been more. I bought it with ROBOKASSA from zobiemania Page http: //maps4games.ru...mbiemaniya.html.
Is there any way to get them back, I still have emails confirming purshades, 


I have translated your message from English to Russian.
I advise you to purchase a licensed version of the game, in the future, had no such problems.
This error occurs because of the change Steam ID, some change crasks Steam ID, as well as perks tied it, then when you change them disappear.

Изменено пользователем Tolk
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