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How to join [KaK] Kill all Kills


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        We are always glad to meet a new players in our clan.

To join KaK feel free to fill in a short form :

=>If you don't enter an answer in any of the 15 points, the application will not get  consideration<=


1. Nickname in the game?   
2. The real name ?
3. What is your age?  
4. Where are you from?  
5. How much time have you been in this server?    
6. How often do you play Killing Floor? 
7. The headphone / microphone (yes / no)?   
8. Having  Skype or  Teamspeak 3  (yes / no)? 
9. The  purpose of membership in a clan ?
10. Do you agree to comply with rules of the Clan? 
11. How much are you going to sit down in a clan? 
12. There are acquaintances / friends in a clan?
13. Why did you choose our clan?  

14. Your actual perks?
15. In a nutshell, what do you think about our clan?

Quote : copy the message and fill in the complete form.

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1: mezarcı



4:istanbul /turkey

5: 3 yıl

6: Her gün 4 saat 5 saat

7: hayır

8: skype evet

9: ı arkadaşlar biliyorum ve yeni arkadaşlar var

10: kesinlikle 

11: 3 saat 4 saat

12: / stonedjesus vardır evet stouns, zmaj,

13:good friends ı want there

14: ı did not understand

15:ı have a very beautiful name ı want to join the clan bend friends ı know this clan



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in english please so we all can understand you!

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1 час назад, Hichal сказал:

in english please so we all can understand you!





5: 3 years

6: Every day 4 hours 5 hours

7: no

8: skype yes

9: I have friends I know to meet this cia and new friends

10: absolutely

11: 3 hours 4 hours

12:stonedjesus stouns zmaj cristal

13:  good friends ı want there

14: ı did not understand

15:  ı have a very beautiful name ı want to join the clan bend friends ı know this clan


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2. Byron

3. 21

4. Chile (South America)

5. 3 years (early 2014)

6.  not everyday: 3 - 4 hours

7.  integrated notebook micro only

8.  no 

9. i like the idea of be part of a clan with great players, some experienced in the server ))

10. yes i agree

11. undefined

12. stoned jesus

13. i feel identified with the members of the clan

14. i see a solid group with good and skillful players )))

Edited by el_Kbron
15. medic:52 berserker:28 hunter:17 sharpshooter:103 firebug:11 demolition:16 support esp:58 commando:50
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6.Every day 4 hours 5 hours
7.I have both
8.I have both
9.I like the idea of being part of a clan with great players,
10.Yes I agree
11.3 or 4 hours.
12.stonedjesus stouns zmaj cristal
13.Good friends, I want the
14.I did not understand
15.I have a very beautiful name i I want to join the friends of the clan bend i know this clan

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Win_7

2. Tom

3. 61

4. Philippines

5. Not sure. a year maybe?

6. Daily but with irregular time due to work

7. No

8. No

9. Meet New Friends, Camaraderie

10. Yes

11. I don't quite understand the question but if you mean i have to "show up" on scheduled meet up, it will have to depend

if am not busy with my work in the "real" world. :D

12. Stoned Jesus

13. I Share your common objective and goals.

14. Demolition Lv109, Medic Lv42, Support Lv22, Hunter lv6, Berserker Lv11, Sharpshooter Lv25, Firebug Lv12, Commando Lv4

15. Still in its infancy but growing towards an idealistic direction.

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Admitted to the official line-up



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On 3/11/2017 at 2:08 PM, StonedJesus said:

        We are always glad to meet a new players in our clan.

To join KaK feel free to fill in a short form :

=>If you don't enter an answer in any of the 15 points, the application will not get  consideration<=


1. Nickname in the game?   
2. The real name ?
3. What is your age?  
4. Where are you from?  
5. How much time have you been in this server?    
6. How often do you play Killing Floor? 
7. The headphone / microphone (yes / no)?   
8. Having  Skype or  Teamspeak 3  (yes / no)? 
9. The  purpose of membership in a clan ?
10. Do you agree to comply with rules of the Clan? 
11. How much are you going to sit down in a clan? 
12. There are acquaintances / friends in a clan?
13. Why did you choose our clan?  

14. Your actual perks?
15. In a nutshell, what do you think about our clan?

Quote : copy the message and fill in the complete form.




Baltimore, MD

about 3 mths


mike yes

no and no

comraderie, im more of a group member than a solo player


as much as is needed

not really just people i play with every day

i like playing with your members

demo20, medic11, snipe7, only perks i play

I think its a kool clan with members that dont rage when things dont go their way, i had a medic died trying to save me


thanks for your consideration guys, 

peace, Earle


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2017 at 11:58 PM, xxcytedgamer1 said:




Baltimore, MD

about 3 mths


mike yes

no and no

comraderie, im more of a group member than a solo player


as much as is needed

not really just people i play with every day

i like playing with your members

demo20, medic11, snipe7, only perks i play

I think its a kool clan with members that dont rage when things dont go their way, i had a medic died trying to save me


thanks for your consideration guys, 

peace, Earle


File your application here mate :lol:


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I guess Im not good enough to play with you guys huh?

Thats ok I love to play this game more than any other franchise out there and i always enjoy playing with you guys.

O btw i donated and cant enter my personal id




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